Former Disney Star Joins Trump White House

It is no secret that President Donald Trump is pretty much obsessed with television. Well, the obsession continues... Caroline Sunshine is known for her role in the Disney show Shake It Up, acting alongside Zendaya and Bella Thorne, but will now also be serving as a White House press assistant. She previously served as a White House Intern, worked for Senator Kevin McCarthy, and been involved in other political groups. She was hired right as many people were leaving the White House, including Gary Cohn, HR McMaster, Rex Tillerson, and Hope Hicks.

Sunshine is a member of a much smaller group of Hollywood actors and actresses who have expressed support for President Trump. Much of the industry is, instead, involved in advocating for Black Lives Matter, March For Our Lives, the Women's March, and other social justice movements that were largely initiated because of Trump's election.


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